Members of Taiwan’s LGBTQ community participated in the Sunflower Movement for the same reasons as anyone else, because their lives and that of all of Taiwanese society would be affected by the CSSTA and the KMT’s pro-China policies. Accordingly LGBTQ groups sometimes demonstrate in protests which do not directly have to do with LGBTQ issues, such as the anti-nuclear movement. Taiwanese youth activism generally is in support of gay marriage and LGBTQ causes, along with the generally progressive political stances of Taiwanese youth activism. Members of the LGBTQ community took the opportunity to raise awareness of the specific issues facing their communities.
However, at the same time, there was controversy regarding that early on the occupation, a rainbow flag was taken down within the Legislative Yuan with the view that this was too controversial an issue not directly related to the CSSTA and that this could have led to blowback against the occupation. It remains unknown under what auspices this flag was taken down.
Read More:
Read a profile of the Taiwan Tongzhi Hotline Association
Read a profile of Taiwan Tongzhi Family Rights Advocacy
Read an interview with Jennifer Lu, who entered electoral politics after the Sunflower Movement as one of the first openly gay candidates for public office in Taiwan