CategoryMovement Features

What were the features and characteristics of the Sunflower Movement in terms of what took place in the self-organized space of the occupation encampment around the Legislative Yuan?

Conditions Within The Legislature

Conditions Within The Legislature

One of the challenges that occupiers had to sustain through the duration of the occupation was the inhospitality of the inside of the Legislative Yuan

People’s Assemblies

People’s Assemblies

“People’s Assemblies” began to be held near the end of the movement for the people to discuss the CSSTA and participate in making political decisions in a grassroots manner

Free Supplies And Services

Free Supplies And Services

A vast amount of free supplies and free services came pouring into the occupation during the course of the Sunflower Movement

Indie DaDee

Indie DaDee

Noted social movement personality Indie DaDee was among the major participants of the Sunflower Movement

Food Vendors And Booksellers

Food Vendors And Booksellers

Booksellers and food vendors became a fixture at the Sunflower Movement occupation, a tradition dating back to the Taiwanese democracy movement